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Industry Leader Cynthia Grizzle Joins LPM Editorial Board

LPM is ecstatic to welcome Cynthia Grizzle to its Editorial Board. In this role, Grizzle will help support the efforts of LPM as we continue to grow and maintain our position as the number one source of information for the industry.

Cynthia Grizzle is the vice president of asset protection for Family Dollar, a position she has held since early 2021. As a visionary and innovative cross-functional partner, Cynthia has earned a reputation for investing in people—achieving alignment through clear and concise communication to connect the dots and help teams see the synergy between their actions and performance results.

Driving asset protection excellence throughout her career with Foley’s Department Stores, Macy’s, and Family Dollar, Grizzle has consistently propelled strong P&L performance through effective shortage reduction through a comprehensive shrink program taking an end-to-end approach. She has received multiple awards and recognition, and serves as an advisor to Toastmasters and to the Executive DEI Advisory Council.

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Cynthia is thrilled to join the LPM Editorial Board and to influence the magazine to continue promoting and supporting career growth in the industry.

Executives who participate on the Editorial Board have a unique opportunity to impact the types of content we bring to our audience. We ask our Board to participate in article development and to help keep our editorial staff in the know on the latest developments in the retail asset protection space.

To learn more about the Editorial Board, contact Stefanie Hoover, CFI, at

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