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IAI’s Holiday Survival Kit Saves Interviewers Everywhere

The International Association of Interviewers (IAI) launched its Holiday Survival kit today saving interviewers everywhere from the holiday rush by providing valuable webinars, video tips, infographics, and rationalizations specifically geared toward holiday headaches.

IAI members on the Nice List will receive:

Webinar: “Team Up to Get the Truth” by WZ Instructor Dave Thompson, CFI

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Join WZ instructor Dave Thompson, CFI as he provides tips on how the different departments within your organization can work together to prepare for the inevitable holiday season investigations.  Plus, learn to tackle some of the objections coming from part-time or temporary employees during interviews.

Holiday Video Tip Series

Black Friday is right around the corner!  As your organization begins preparing for additional holiday employees, you’ll be prepared after watching the IAI Video Tip series on “Part-Time Hiring Considerations” presented by WZ Instructors Wayne Hoover, CFI and Dave Thompson, CFI.

Naughty or Nice Infographic

New Rationalizations

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Rationalizations are an essential key to the success of your interview.  IAI wants to make sure you’re prepared with effective, well-structured rationalizations specific to the holiday season!

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