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Want to Lend a Hand? (We’re Running Our LPM Insider Survey.)

First, thank you for being a reader of LPM Insider.

We’re glad you’re here. We think you’re pretty great.

But we want to know what you think of us.

- Digital Partner -

LPM has had a digital presence for many years, but the LPM Insider daily email newsletter in its current form was launched in 2015. Although we work hard to make sure it’s as informative and useful as it can be, it hasn’t changed much in the past couple of years. To that end, we created a short survey for our readership to gauge how we’re doing right now in terms of frequency, design, and content creation.

Would you help us provide you and the rest of our LPM community with a better email newsletter by telling us what works for you–and where we could improve?

Responses will be anonymous and confidential, but we promise to read every comment and share with you what we’ve learned.

Help us build and improve. Take the 10-minute survey.

Note that the survey closes in one week (April 11, 2018).

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