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Help Retailers; End Shoplifters’ ‘No Prosecute’ Status

There is dawn after the darkness that currently surrounds us amid the coronavirus pandemic, and the resolve to boost our economic recovery must be as strong as that undertaken to conquer COVID-19. To that end, Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins must take shoplifting off her list of “no prosecute” crimes.

Retailers across the state deemed “non-essential” (as opposed to grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants providing takeout, etc.) have taken a financial pounding since restrictions aimed at halting the spread of the virus led to their closure, under orders by Gov. Charlie Baker. Stores selling clothes, video games, flowers, furniture, books and a host of other merchandise, including recreational pot, have to wait it out until the all-clear is given and customers can return.

That means no revenue coming in, but rent, taxes and operating expenses to pay nonetheless. For small businesses, it’s been crippling. After Governor Baker requested economic relief loans through the Small Business Administration last month, the Massachusetts Congressional delegation wrote a letter underscoring the dire need to shore up businesses: “This ongoing public health emergency has already caused significant disruption and economic harm to our constituents and is likely to continue for weeks or months to come.” Some of Greater Boston’s retailers may not be able to bounce back from the extended shutdown…  Boston Herald

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