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Help Has Arrived with Slip and Fall Prevention

We have all slipped and fallen at some point in our lives and know the horrifying feeling of an uncontrolled fall. Each year, more than 8 million Americans will seek emergency room treatment for an accidental fall—33,000 of whom will die.

Slips, trips, and falls are the leading cause of both guest and employee injuries in the retail industry and are estimated to cost the industry more than $20 billion a year. However, many property owners don’t realize just how slippery their floors are until someone slips and falls.

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The Elderly Are Most Vulnerable

According to the National Safety Council, falls are the leading cause of accidental injury and death for the elderly, and with 10,000 baby boomers retiring each day, the slip, trip, and fall “problem” will soon become an epidemic—one that retailers will have to immediately begin to address.

Help Has Arrived

According to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI), 55 percent of slips, trips, and falls are caused by a hazardous walkway; however, up until the development of recent walkway safety standards, property owners had no way to measure the safety of their floors. In 2009, a series of new walkway safety standards emerged that can now help retailers turn the tide and improve slip and fall prevention.

In 2006, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) as an ANSI standards developer, and since 2009 they have published five new walkway safety standards. The ANSI/NFSI B101.1 and B101.3 wet coefficient of friction (COF) test methods along with the ANSI/NFSI B101.6 entranceway floor mat standard can serve as important tools for retailers to measure the slip-and-trip-related risks of their stores. The B101.1 and B101.3 standards categorize COF in three traction or risk ranges: low, moderate, or high traction. Retailers can measure the slip risk of their floors and take preventative action before a slip-and-fall event occurs. The results have already proven to be successful.

In 2015, the CNA Insurance Company released a study correlating same-store floor slip resistance to recorded claims. The study was performed in a 362-unit retail franchise whereby 112 of their floors were tested over a multiyear time period per the ANSI/NFSI B101.1 wet static COF standard. What they found was that 87 percent of all slip-and-fall claims took place on low to moderate traction surfaces, while only 13 percent of claims occurred on high-traction floors. This research bolstered past clinical studies that revealed maintaining your floors in the high-traction range can prevent up to 90 percent of slip-related claims.

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Since their publication, the new ANSI/NFSI B101 walkway safety standards are being used by a growing number of insurers and retailers as a risk management tool and are now serving as a basis by which they construct their walkway safety policies and procedures.

Editor’s Note: Check out the full article, “Trips, Slips & Falls,” to learn more about how the standards will affect you when it comes to workplace safety. The original article was published in 2017; this excerpt was updated September 6, 2018.

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