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Health Compliance System for Automatic Temperature Screening and Mask Detection

Introducing CONTROLTEK’s CMatch AIA Health Compliance system, a non-contact, preventative screening terminal for temperature verification, mask detection, and facial recognition. This solution is your front line of defense to protect the health and safety of your employees, customers, and visitors.

Intelligent infrared thermal imaging automatically detects an individual’s body temperature upon entering your facility. If an elevated body temperature is detected, access is denied, only allowing for individuals with a temperature within your desired threshold to enter to maintain a safe environment.

The device can also be programmed for mask compliance to detect whether an individual is wearing a mask to prevent the spread of germs and bacteria. Access will be denied when a mask is not detected or permitted when a mask is detected to enforce your health compliance measures.

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The optional facial recognition feature allows you to register individuals in a matter of seconds and automatically deny access to unauthorized individuals.

This plug-and-play device is easy to install and program. Ideal for small entrances, lobbies, and other key access points, the device can be installed on a wall, desktop, with a freestanding floor mount or integrated with your current access gate system.

See the CMatch AIA in action in this video.

More information about the CMatch AIA Health Compliance System, along with downloadable data sheets, can be found at CONTROLTEK’s website.
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