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Happy New Year from All of Us at LPM!

The year is coming to an end, and it’s time to say hello to 2022! As we prepare to embrace all of the new opportunities 2022 will bring, it’s also good to reflect on the past year. Here are five of the most popular stories LPM published in 2021.

Workplace Violence Is Broken Down into 4 Categories

OSHA defines workplace violence as “any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site.” OSHA estimates that about 2 million workers report violent workplace incidents each year, but the actual number of incidents is likely much higher. According to the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), workplace violence typically falls into one of four categories.

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Mental Health Crisis Among US Workers Includes Retail Salespeople

America’s mental health crisis was the topic recently on Reddit’s /retailhell discussion board—an online forum where retail workers gather to commiserate. A poster asked if they think there are people who commit suicide because retail destroyed them mentally. “No doubt” and “200%” were among the typical responses.

The Top 10 Retail Workplace Hazards

Hazards exist in every workplace, but how do you know which ones have the most potential to harm retail employees? By identifying the retail workplace hazards that are most likely to impact safety, you will be better prepared to control or eliminate them and prevent accidents, injuries, property damage, and downtime.

The Irrational Fear of Cash and the Risks for Retail

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Universal concerns about the safety of using cash at all has retailers seizing the moment to push for cashless payment systems. The changing attitudes toward cash affects more than just the traditional retailer. This impacts any business where cash is transacted, from convenience stores and restaurants to stadiums and airports.

10 Common Characteristics of High-Shrink Retail Stores

Inventory shrink costs retailers across the globe tens of billions of dollars each and every year. That’s billions—with a “B”. Losses amount to around $50 billion in the United States alone, climbing from there as the scourge makes its way across the globe. This is a serious problem that goes well beyond a missing sweater or shoplifting bubble gum.

We hope you enjoyed this walk down memory lane, and wish you all happiness, health, and success in the new year!

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