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LPF Webinar Today on Grocery’s Disruptive Future

Shrink is an $100+ billion issue that monopolizes earnings reports across retail.

Stores are forced to lock up popular products, reduce their inventory, and guard in-store resources such as restrooms and dressing rooms. National brands, store owners, staff, and customers all have to foot the bill in both direct and indirect ways. How do we disrupt this phenomenon? How can we deter crime without damaging the shopping experience?

Automated access technology is the answer.

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Register here to join the LPF on Tuesday, October 17 at 1 p.m. ET to hear from industry experts Tony D’Onofrio and John Elstrott about how stores can drive profitability with emerging loss prevention technologies.

Use automation to eliminate misuse, reduce shrink and decrease escalations. It just makes sense.

Objectives include:

• Catch up on relevant industry metrics driving technology adoption.

• Understand the value of frictionless in-store experiences through automation.

LP Solutions

• Learn about emerging technology you’ll need to secure your future store(s).

• Create a quick-win for your LP team and organization with automated technology.

At the end of the webinar, Good2Go will give award five LPF course scholarships by random drawing to webinar attendees. Winners will be notified the day following the webinar via email.

This webinar is presented by The Loss Prevention Foundation, in partnership with Good2Go, and qualifies for one continuing education unit (CEU) towards your LPC recertification.

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