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Get More Value from Your Case Management System

Activating data is the key to unlocking value in any business. That is why it’s so important to make sure that your case management system (CMS) isn’t walled off from the crime taking place outside of your organization. Data sitting idle and unconnected devalues your data and puts your organization and its customers at greater risk.

Since 2018, Treuth, a public benefit corporation, has been partnering with federal, state, and local authorities and major retailers to create a custom platform that breaks down communication barriers, while maintaining competition and innovation in the crime prevention industry. This is what led to the creation and launch of IMIS in January of 2021.

The results have been astonishing. IMIS now contributes crime data to 30 percent of active ORC investigations and uncovers 10 percent of all new cases opened by law enforcement in jurisdictions in active operation. More than 75 percent of suspect vehicles that have a plate are revealing LPR evidence that is assisting in the identification of suspects committing ORC.

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Treuth’s IMIS approach provides cooperative and private workspaces to manage incidents securely. IMIS facilitates the management and sharing of relevant information with law enforcement and retailers through multi-workspace single-sign-on access, chat, and mobile and web app functionality. It is ubiquitous across all devices with 24/7 operational capabilities globally. The capabilities are virtually endless, built for integrating with smart cities through integration with third party technology such as license plate readers, product trackers, as well as video and image analysis.

To take advantage of Treuth’s IMIS system, retailers and law enforcement can set up their own private workspace and begin investigating with additional intelligence and technology out of the gate, selectively sharing data with cooperative networks already on Treuth.

With thousands of law enforcement and loss prevention professionals already on the cooperative workspaces, it has never been more important to start exploring crime data activation across your enterprise to improve safety and protect your bottom line.

If you are a retailer or law enforcement, you can find out more by emailing

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