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Georgia, Florida, and California Recorded One-Third of All US Identity Theft Reports in 2019

Identity theft crimes in the US are on the rise, hitting a record number of over 650,000 reports in 2019. Although this type of fraudulent activity is widespread across the country, some US states have witnessed more identity theft crimes than others.

According to data gathered by Precise Security, Georgia, Florida, and California had the highest number of identity theft reports in 2019. The three US states together hit over 211,000 complaints from citizens who became victims of identity theft fraud, or one-third of all US identity theft complaints reported last year. Georgia Tops the List of US Identity Theft Crimes

In 2019, the number of reported identity theft frauds in the United States jumped by 45%, revealed the FTC Consumer Sentinel Network survey. More than 217,000 reports or over 40% of all identity theft complaints received last year referred to credit card frauds… The Policy Times

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