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Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani to Headline NRF Loss Prevention Conference

Rudy Giuliani, 107th Mayor of New York City, will be among the keynote speakers as more than 2,000 retail industry loss prevention executives, cybersecurity experts and law enforcement officers convene in Washington next year for the National Retail Federation’s annual NRF PROTECT conference.

“We are thrilled to welcome a committed leader who is passionate about fighting crime,” NRF Senior Vice President for Communities Vicki Cantrell said. “Rudy Giuliani’s strong background as mayor, prosecutor or dealing with terrorists will give our members a fresh perspective on how to protect their businesses.”

Giuliani will address “Principled Leadership: In the Face of Change and Crisis” during the June 26-28, 2017, conference in the nation’s capital. The conference will also feature educational sessions on a wide variety of security issues and provide a forum for loss prevention experts to identify solutions to retail security challenges and explore the latest cutting-edge technology.

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Celebrated by many as “Mayor of the World,” Rudy Giuliani provides a resolute voice in tackling the toughest domestic and international issues of our time. Acclaimed as one of the most effective chief executives in modern American history for his leadership and bravery during 9-11, Giuliani was named TIME magazine’s Person of the Year, was given an honorary knighthood by the Queen of England and was awarded the Ronald Reagan Presidential Freedom Award.

Never one to shy away from a battle, Giuliani almost single-handedly took on organized and white-collar crime in New York with a remarkable record of 4,000 convictions—one that very few attorneys can match.

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