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FireKing Announces TSIA Field Services Certification of Excellence

FireKing Security Group recently announced that its Field Services Group was recognized as a Certified Support Staff Excellence Center by The Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA).

“We are glad to honor FireKing Security Group for achieving this high industry standard,” said Andrew Cromey, Vice President, Member Success for TSIA. “TSIA’s Support Staff Excellence program focuses on the key drivers in attaining, motivating, and maintaining first-rate talent. Having earned the Certified Support Staff Excellence Center designation, FireKing has demonstrated a commitment to service excellence, with highly connected and engaged employees driving a positive customer experience.”

FireKing is an asset protection company with expertise in traditional and intelligent
safe manufacturing, distribution, sales and service. “FireKing is fully engaged in the delivery of service excellence to the marketplace. We strive to maximize the return our customer’s make in FireKing over the entire length of our relationship. This recognition from TSIA demonstrates our continued commitment to deliver to our customers the most secure, innovative and complete cash management solutions available,” said Mark Essig, CEO of FKI Security Group.

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FireKing recognizes they will only excel in their marketplace through a firm commitment to excellence in the design, development and delivery of quality products and friendly, professional customer service. FireKing joined TSIA, in part, to provide the service team with the necessary training and skills to improve their customer interactions and increase the team’s productivity. FireKing committed to training their entire field technician staff in customer service through the TSIA certification process.

“Customer satisfaction is directly impacted by the quality of our field service capability, the investment we make in our people, our technology and our processes. Through this investment we are able to offer superior service in the marketplace and bring more value to our customers,” said Phillip Gilkes, Chief Service Officer of FKI Security Group. “This is why we embarked with TSIA on the certification process, why we are pleased to be recognized with this “Certification of Excellence” honor. It is a foundational element in our continuous improvement effort and an important part of our future.”

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