The next time you make a purchase from a third-party seller on Amazon or eBay, you may be buying stolen goods. More than two-dozen people have been charged in federal court in Dallas with being part of a crime ring in which thieves shoplifted goods from stores across the US like Walmart and Best Buy. They then sold the products on online platforms such as Amazon and eBay, according to the indictment.
The thieves used custom-sewn “booster skirts” with bag-like compartments inside to steal products, and they used “electronic transmitters” that interfered with stores’ anti-theft devices, the indictment says. They sent the stolen loot to Chicago to be kept in storage lockers. From there, many items ended up at the suburban Coppell home of a married couple who posted the merchandise for sale on their Amazon and eBay storefronts, according to the indictment. The crime ring operated from 2014 to September 2019, when the indictment was filed under seal… The Dallas Morning News