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Family Members Add to the Excitement Surrounding the 2016 Annual Meeting

One of the many benefits of the magazine annual meeting is the opportunity to meet the families and friends of the industry professionals who attend. Roughly thirty wives, husbands, children, and significant others participated in the networking events associated with this year’s meeting in Sanibel, Florida. “It’s really nice to finally meet some of the people I hear my husband [wife] talk about,” is a common comment from spouses who attend the meeting.

The choice of destination-type locations is intended to both serve as a relaxing, informal venue for the business meetings, but also a place where attendees can bring family members to enjoy a few days before or after the event. Family members are invited to play golf, enjoy the welcome reception, attend the main cocktail and dinner to hear the guest speaker—in this case Mike Eruzione—as well as join a special family outing during the full-day business meetings.

This year’s outing was a tour of Sanibel and Captiva Islands on September 28th sponsored by CAP Index. Nineteen spouses participated on the tour that was led by Captain Bubby’s Island Tour company and coordinated by Cindy Trlica. Experienced guides led the bus tour to numerous sites around the islands, including “not-to-miss” spots many tourists never experience. The tour focused on the interesting history, wildlife, and geography of the preserved land, beaches, and wetlands of the unique barrier islands.

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A highlight of the tour included experiencing firsthand the Sanibel Stoop where the spouses walked the pristine, white, sandy beach looking for shells. The finale was an enjoyable lunch at the memorable Bubble Room, that featured quirky Christmas decor throughout and delicious food, including massive slices of cake for dessert. The tour participants reported that in addition to the tour, they enjoyed the opportunity to become better acquainted. Many friendships were made and renewed during the week.

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