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eBay’s PROACT Team Assists DA’s Office in Employee Arrest

In an surprise turn-of-events, an employee of Coatesville, PA, based Witmer Public Safety Group who was being investigated for watching porn on his computer at work, was ultimately arrested for felony theft. According to the Chester County District Attorney the 55-year-old-employee, who was the director of order fulfillment, has been arraigned and charged with theft of more than $195,000 worth of merchandise over eight years and reselling the ill-gotten gains on eBay.

As the IT department was examining the company computer’s hard drive, they discovered two different email accounts that were being maintained by the employee and tied to his eBay account. The accounts contained records of sales made to individuals, allegedly by the employee. The IT team later turned over the computer to the Chester County District Attorney’s forensic investigations team.

Witmer Public Safety Group sells extremely specialized safety equipment to police, firefighters, and other first responders such as EMTs.  The merchandise is sold through stores and online.  eBay PROACT investigators were able to determine that some of the stolen merchandise included police rifle-scopes, lights for firefighters, helmets, knives and ammo magazines.

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