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eBay’s GAP Team Assists Local PD to Get Prison Time for ORC Ringleader

48-year-old Noel Erik Anshel said that from January 1, 2010 through August 12 2015, he paid cash to shoplifters in exchange for stolen products including the following: exchange for stolen products, including construction tools, pressure washers, kitchen appliances, electrical generators, and consumer electronics. The shoplifters brought the stolen items to Anshel’s pawnshop where Anshel purchased these items, knowing that they were stolen from the retail establishments. He paid the ‘boosters’ (common term for shoplifters) far less than the products’ retail value. The shop owner paid at least three of his boosters over $40,000 each for stolen products.  Investigators say the pawn shop owner said “90% of what I buy is stolen… it’s the cost of doing business.” A search warrant by police revealed approximately $20,000 in stolen property including dishwashers and circular saws. As part of his plea agreement, Anshel will be required to: forfeit the six properties, funds held in four PayPal accounts and six bank accounts, as well as property seized from his pawn shop.

For more information about eBay’s GAP Team, click here.

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