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Detex: Sales Floor to Stock Room

Designed to limit stockroom access to employees only, the ACDxV40EX EasyKit offers industry-proven code compliant life safety and security hardware for high-use doors with a cost-effective alarmed access control solution.

Sales Floor to Stock Room

The ACDxV40xEX EasyKit offers industry-proven life safety and security hardware for high-use, high- abuse doors with a cost-effective access control solution. It was designed specifically for sales floor to stock room use. For authorized access to the stock room, a code will need to be input (set by management), bypassing the alarm, allowing entrance for 15 seconds before the alarm will sound. Alarm will sound 15 seconds after any unauthorized entry through door if unit is armed. The alarm will rearm upon the door being closed.DETEX doors


The ACDxV40xEX alarm can be installed on the door or on the wall. While mounting the alarm on the door doesn’t require anything extra to hide the wires, mounting the alarm on the wall will require an electric hinge, door loop or other power transfer device.

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