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Deterring Antisocial Behavior in Retail Settings

A large part of LPM’s mission is to provide educational content to our audience. We are excited to share this new offering as part of our partnership with LPRC. The research and studies showcased here are normally only made available to LPRC members. As a reader of LPM, you’ll get access to select research and be able to view it on our website. To see all the available research, go to and learn more about becoming a member.

This report examines the LPRC‘s new crime control framework: Affect, Connect, and Detect. It specifically details the Affect component, aimed at preventing antisocial behavior in retail settings. The implications for retailers regarding product protection are also addressed.

The LPRC recently introduced the “Affect, Detect, and Connect” framework to enhance crime control measures against theft, fraud, and violence in retail environments. The “Detect” element involves methods for identifying antisocial behavior, while the “Connect” aspect focuses on integrating sensors, stores, store chains, and law enforcement to provide actionable insights.

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This article concentrates on the “Affect” segment of the framework, which aims to deter antisocial behavior. While acknowledging that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to deterrence, this framework provides valuable insights for pinpointing problem areas and deploying resources effectively.

Download to read the full study here.

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