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CIS Security Solutions Announces Availability of Convertible Alarming Tag

Recently, in preparing for the RILA Asset Protection Conference 2017, CIS Security Solutions, announced immediate availability of their latest product: the Convertible Alarming Tag, enabling retailers using different versions of alarming tags to upgrade to the latest product, which easily converts from a loop tag to a pin tag.

“Converting from a pin to a loop is not all this little alarming tag can do. With its unlimited life, and the fact that it deters the use of unauthorized magnetic keys, puts the Convertible in a league all its own,” said Donna Carey, vice president of customer relations at CIS Security Solutions.

Positive Customer Impact

Many customers will benefit from deploying the Convertible Alarming Tag. A loss prevention executive at a discount designer retailer, recently committed to deploy and test the convertible tag at their high fashion stores in its worldwide network. The Convertible will enable this LP executive to purchase one style of tag to protect all its products while protecting from unauthorized magnetic keys.

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“We have to stay ahead of ORC. The Convertible, deterring unauthorized magnetic keys, will help us do that,” said the LP executive. “Only having to purchase and store one type of tag for multiple styles of goods is great for ease of use for our associates.”

Convertible Alarming Tag Availability

The Convertible Alarming Tag is an update driven by customer feedback and is part of CIS Security Solutions’ commitment to deliver the latest product updated for specific needs. This is just one of the new products available for immediate rollout.

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