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CHP Nabs Pair for ORC Retail Thefts

On April 24, at approximately 3:15 PM, Border Division CHP Organized Retail Crime Task Force (ORC Task Force) Sergeant J. Kelley and Investigator J. Campbell were contacted by the CHP – Santa Ana Area office regarding a high-speed pursuit that had just occurred in Costa Mesa. CHP Officer Mackay had initiated a traffic stop on SR-73 Northbound, north of Bison Ave in the city of Irvine, California. The stop was for a speeding violation (93mph in a 65mph zone) on a maroon Toyota Camry.

As Officer Mackay approached the vehicle on foot to contact the driver, the vehicle fled at a high rate of speed and a vehicle pursuit ensued. Eventually the two occupants abandoned the vehicle and fled on foot in separate directions. Responding CHP officers located and detained both suspects. They were identified as Thomas Viramontes, who was driving, and a passenger, Lauren Vollaire. Kelley and Campbell recognized the suspects as a pair of thieves they had been investigating for previous thefts in San Diego after being contacted by CVS…  Orange County Breeze

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