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Checkpoint Systems’ Mini NeedleLok Theft Solution Tag Widens Range of Retail Shrink Applications

Checkpoint Systems recently added a new member to the NeedleLok™ high-theft solution family that protects fine garments without leaving a pin hole: Mini NeedleLok.

NeedleLok protects delicate fabric clothing, such as intimates as well as light and thin fabric garments, where a normal hard-tag and pin would leave a damaging hole in the merchandise. As a single-piece solution, the NeedleLok reportedly provides easier application and removal and improves the overall safety by covering the needle when not in use.

According to Stuart Rosenthal, vice president of sales and marketing for Checkpoint’s Alpha High-Theft Solutions, “The Mini NeedleLok widens the range of applications to also include protection for merchandise with straps, such as dresses, bathing suits, lingerie, handbags and backpacks, which were previously difficult to tag without damaging.”

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The Mini NeedleLok is available in either AM or RF technology.

Mini NeedleLok is available immediately.

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