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Checking All the Boxes on Your GPS Solution (7P Solutions)

With today’s retail business environment and the ever-increasing prevalence of organized retail crime, LP professionals must ask themselves two important questions about their GPS loss prevention programs—are we getting the most return on investment, and what is behind the GPS technologies we are using?

With the influx of new companies and trackers being introduced into the market, it is more important than ever that these questions are answered and that LP professionals understand what should be expected when using GPS and the associated data.

Two key components together enhance the capabilities of GPS technologies, and both must be considered to ensure an effective GPS loss prevention program.

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Return on Investment

Software Platform. GPS software platforms should not be designed as one-size-fits-all, especially today when companies must take advantage of the data available. A user’s daily task should be based on user permissions, allowing one device to be used in different ways based upon permissions.

  • Does the platform go beyond the event-based communications that allow monitoring centers to monitor shipments and prevent against cargo theft?
  • Does the platform provide complete supply-chain visibility and have the flexibility to be used in other departments outside of loss prevention and asset protection? Examples are the ability for transportation and logistics personnel to manage carrier performance, and purchasing’s ability to manage supplier and vendor on-time performance, which can translate to inventory dollars that are in the supply chain at any given time.
  • Does the platform allow for clients to capture electronic data interchange (EDI) transactions for non-GPS shipments and use these transactions for risk and inventory management?

GPS Tracking Device. Through side-by-side testing, real-time GPS has proven time and time again to be the most effective and accurate technology in the market. By taking an extra couple of minutes for device placement within the shipment, you reduce the time (labor) required to manage shipments.

  • Reduce or eliminate false alarms.
  • Enhance event-based communications by using tighter geo-fences around facilities and turn-by-turn linear geo-fencing.
  • Take less time for theft recovery. Real-time GPS is within a matter of feet from the device location, whereas other technologies can be shown within a 20-mile radius of the actual location.

What Is Behind My GPS?

Since beginning 7PSolutions in 2010, this is a question that we have not seen addressed within the industry, but is fundamentally one of the first

Software Platform. When managing a customer’s brand, a GPS provider must ensure that the software platform is available and online to users at all times, has robust IT security protocols, and has a responsive user interface.

  • Is the data being managed using a combination of servers and virtual servers?
  • Is the traffic volume and health of the servers being managed?
  • How is the data backed up, and is there automatic failover?
  • Are battery back-ups being used and dual generators supporting the facility?
  • Are dual Internet providers supporting the facility?
  • How are we assured the platform is available at all times? Is technical support available 24/7/365?
  • What type of load testing is done?
  • Is the platform fully licensed with Google Maps?
  • Is data available for a minimum of five years?

GPS Tracking Device. The GPS device must be available at all times. In many instances, the battery specifications will meet the required transit times, but an additional battery should be maintained in the event of a cargo theft.

LP Solutions
  • If the recovery process takes several days, will the battery survive?
  • What is the process for placing the device into sleep mode? If there is an event while the device is in sleep mode, will it automatically wake up and respond?
  • Can I communicate with the device remotely?
  • Is the device SIM carrier specific or agnostic?
  • Are disposable or single-use devices truly disposable, or do you incur a chargeback for late or non-return?

Today’s LP professionals are required to know loss prevention and asset protection best practices and also global supply-chain and transportation best practices. All of this combines with GPS technologies to ensure a proactive and robust GPS program.

Call us at 812-988-4430 or visit to find out how 7PSolutions checks all the boxes.

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