With increasing levels of retail crime and violence, the chances of a retail employee suffering from PTSD or other mental health issues as a result of events they’ve witnessed on the job might be higher than ever.
In this episode of LPM's Inside Scoop Podcast, we hear from RFID experts about future use cases and where retailers are in the journey of adopting the technology.
Engineered for entrance doors of all types, this glazing system aims to prevent illegal access to retail establishments and combat smash‑and-grab crime by retrofitting existing building entrances.
Having “eyes-on” visibility and situational awareness through intelligent advanced video surveillance solutions is more important than ever, helping stores save money, manage assets, reduce risk, increase operational efficiency, and deter crime.
ALTO is the last mile in asset protection strategies by supporting retailers to deliver consequences for those who disrupt the safety of stores and their teams.
With the new patent-pending label, the organization replaced previous polystyrene with renewable, Forest Stewardship Council (FSCTM)-certified material, ultimately helping retailers with their sustainability objectives while safeguarding against shrink.
This discussion will be the first in a series about how to use crime data, evaluate trends, view headlines and statistics in the mainstream media with healthy skepticism, and, most importantly, use data and modeling to improve operations, lower risks, and properly allocate resources.
The app is an inventory platform agnostic purpose-built to support retailers as they develop smarter, more effective LP programs, reduce out of stocks, and enhance store operations.
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.