Remote video surveillance enables the reallocation of loss prevention personnel from low-activity locations without the elimination of loss prevention coverage and oversight. This not...
Facial recognition technology could provide huge benefits when it comes to retail store security. When used properly, someone caught stealing can be stopped by...
First impressions count, as we often make instant judgments about people from their appearances. Their non-verbal communication—features, postures, and the clothes that they wear—speaks...
Health and safety are three words that have both positive and negative connotations. The tabloid press loves to feed the notion of uber-regulation and...
“Everything changed after 9/11” was a frequently heard refrain—from the president and other politicians and in law enforcement and private security circles. The same...
Our mission at McDonald’s is to deliver your food with fast, accurate, and friendly service. Serving our customers with the expected speed requires the...
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.