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Marijuana’s Effects on Safety in the Workplace

160 million users globally—and growing. Marijuana continues its streak as the number-one federally defined illicit drug of choice among the American drug-using community. Considering the...

EyeOnLP: Meeting with McDonald’s at RLPSA 2015

In honor of the upcoming RLPSA event (well, OK, and maybe because it's Throwback Thursday), we're sharing EyeOnLP's interview with key security experts from McDonald's from last year's RLPSA conference.

Consider These Pros and Cons before Implementing Remote Video Surveillance

Remote video surveillance enables the reallocation of loss prevention personnel from low-activity locations without the elimination of loss prevention coverage and oversight. This not...
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Improving Store Security: Considering Facial Recognition Quality and Cost

Facial recognition technology could provide huge benefits when it comes to retail store security. When used properly, someone caught stealing can be stopped by...

Facial Recognition Using Security Camera Software

First impressions count, as we often make instant judgments about people from their appearances. Their non-verbal communication—features, postures, and the clothes that they wear—speaks...

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