This may sound controversial, but it’s been my observation that over the years that loss prevention professionals are behavioral experts first and technicians second....
A September 2015 survey of retailers about the current and future usage of video in their stores revealed some major frustrations and challenges. Although...
The issues of intimate partner violence (IPV) and domestic violence in the workplace continue to make news. First, tragic events are still occurring, like...
When comparing the risk management and loss prevention disciplines, it is important to recognize that the two functions share many common missions. They both manage...
Compliance initiatives are necessary because they validate that our safety program is in accordance with established guidelines, specifications, and legislation—and that the components of...
One wonders if civil disturbances across the United States during the summer of 2016 following shootings of unarmed suspects by law enforcement officers would...
In 2014, work-related falls to a lower level in the wholesale and retail trade (WRT) sector accounted for over 12,500 reported injuries. These injured...
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.