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The Best (and Most Practical) Tips to Improve Your Crisis Management Plan

As we all know, a major crisis can arise at any time. It can be natural or man-made, short-lived or having devastating consequences over an extended period, affecting one business or many, and permanently damaging the reputation of some.

Execs Reveal Their Top Retail Security Solutions and Strategies

Sometimes, new retail security solutions or strategies cut costs far beyond what LP was thinking would happen. In other cases, cost savings disappoint. A national study by SDR/LPM looked at this expectation gap.

Crime Is Moving from Street to Store. Here’s What Retailers Need to Do.

One recent examination of public media sources suggests that retail robbery and burglary grew by more than 8 percent in the first half of 2017 compared to a year earlier.

Labor Abuse and Modern Slavery Concerns in Your Supply Chain

While audits have long been a staple of supplier relationships, most businesses admit that they are only partially effective in identifying instances of labor abuse and modern-day slavery issues.

The Very Real Risks of Using Drones for Security Purposes

Some retailers may see expansive possibilities for using drones for security purposes and choose to be early adopters, but most are likely to take a slower approach.
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How to Build Your Corporate Travel Safety Policy

A survey of 300 corporate security directors by Security Director’s Report (SDR) found that many international trips that employees take go without a security review. Without sufficient advanced notification of employees’ travel plans, threat assessment and logistical planning to support safe travel are impossible.

Safety in the Workplace: 10 Elements of a Successful Program

Considering the tremendous diversity of retail settings, programs that promote safety in the workplace can be just as diverse. There is no universal safety program that is right for all retail organizations.

Canine Security: Animal Magic Is Taking the Lead

There are just three dogs in the United States trained to find electronic components with their noses. Bear, an electronics-sniffing black Labrador, is one of them.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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