Security committees can be useful to loss prevention departments by formalizing the role that staff plays in preventing theft and promoting security. The strategy may also broaden responsibility for asset protection and integrate it into everyday store operations.
The currently described retail risk management research was an attempt to gauge whether and how retail chains segregate stores into risk and vulnerability bands for more precise protective support.
There are obvious ways to reduce the cost of security audits—piggybacking on other store audits, for example. But how else might retailers receive better value from store security reviews?
As much as individuals may struggle with anger in their personal lives, anger is even more challenging when it is felt and expressed—even nonviolently—in the workplace.
There may be no better symbol of the nation’s modern, high-tech military as its fleet of predator drones. So it surely caused a few red faces at the Pentagon when it was discovered that insurgents in Afghanistan and Iraq had used $26 software to intercept live video feeds from the unmanned planes.
You probably don’t follow Lady Gaga on Twitter, but you can probably guess that she has millions of followers. What’s surprising, perhaps, is how many people hang on the word of seemingly average folks.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the gold standard in evidence-based research. At first glance, they seem simple enough: Give some patients the real drug, give some the placebo, and see what happens.
When considering the impact of a commercial burglary, it's tempting to focus solely on the items stolen. However, the true cost of this type of crime is more far-reaching and includes property damage and repair, loss of trade, customer dissatisfaction, management time in dealing with the issue, and more.
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.