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Retail Crime


Are Gift Card Scams Funding ORC?

As professionals in the retail space, it's our responsibility to keep up with the methods and tactics used by thieves when it comes to organized retail crime (ORC). These days, improving technologies equal potentially increased profits in the eyes of theft groups.

When Apprehending Shoplifters, Excessive Force is Never an Option

As part of a 2015 civil lawsuit, an Omaha jury ordered a discount store to pay Richard "Dave" Moore, who was convicted of shoplifting from the retail store, $750,000 for injuries he received from a loss prevention officer.

Gift Card Cloning

Twenty hours of Internet searching sparked an idea that led to one fraudster stealing $6,000 from local stores and causing numerous customers to be stuck with useless gift cards they had legitimately purchased or received as gifts.

Five Suspects Wanted for Bilking Stores in 11 Counties

The Polk County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) has issued a “Wanted” announcement for five people on multiple charges related to racketeering and grand theft. According...
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