This discussion will be the first in a series about how to use crime data, evaluate trends, view headlines and statistics in the mainstream media with healthy skepticism, and, most importantly, use data and modeling to improve operations, lower risks, and properly allocate resources.
Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs New Law Implementing Stricter Penalties for Shoplifting and Package Theft | Tops Friendly Market Gets Police Substation 2 Years After Deadly Mass Shooting | Can California Curb Retail Theft Without Changing Prop. 47?
In this article by David Hutchinson, he delves into how the impact of retail theft extends beyond individual businesses, contributing to broader economic challenges and public safety concerns. Read more in this article!
Discussions with retailers reveal that the retail crime problem and the homelessness problem are related. Learn more in this article from the LPRC's Cory Lowe.
Retail Theft Ring That Spanned 13 Counties Busted, 5 Suspects Arrested | Security Officer Recounts Fatal Walmart Stabbing | California Lawmakers Have a New Solution to Deter Retail Thieves: Arresting Them
California Senate Bill 553, signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom last September, is the first legislation of its kind to address workplace violence and mandate that affected employers adopt a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan.
On the evening of January 22, Sgt. Hernandez walked into a local 7-11 and found himself in the middle of an armed robbery. His quick thinking and actions by being in the right place at the right time resulted in the apprehension of the perpetrator with no injuries to any of the victims.
Watch this now on-demand webinar as law enforcement veterans Rob Wolf and Raul Aguilar discuss the future of crime intelligence and prevention. Hosted by Bobby Haskins, VP of retail partnerships at Auror, the conversation will cover:
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.