A large portion of crimes known to retailers are never reported to law enforcement—this means that these incidents will never show up in the official crime statistics that most in the media and policymaking often cite.
Retailers face significant losses due to theft and organized crime, but implementing digital evidence management systems (DEMS) can improve efficiency, enhance data security, and streamline the evidence handling process, helping to reduce costs and mitigate risks.
New Study Shows Shoplifting Is Up 93% Since Before COVID-19 | Macy’s Probe Found Employee Acted Alone in $151M Accounting Scandal | Spokane City Council Approves $90K Grant to Combat ORC
Retailers reported a 93 percent increase in the average number of shoplifting incidents per year in 2023 versus 2019 and a 90 percent increase in dollars lost due to shoplifting over the same time period, according to a new study released by the NRF.
Nationwide Gift Card Scheme Linked to Fentanyl and Human Trafficking | New Jersey Police Chiefs Want to Stop ORC—Here's How | Holiday Shopping Season Brings Wave of Retail Theft, Making Employees Feel Powerless
In many ways, current asset protection professionals are jacks of all trades, and as we look towards the future, their role in retail businesses only looks to become more expansive and essential.
New State's Attorney Lowers Felony Theft Threshold to $300 in Chicago | Family Planning on Suing Walmart and Officer Involved in Fatal Shooting | DeSantis Cracks Down on Retail Theft, Porch Pirates in Florida
To give you a better feel for the vast impact of the ORC problem, we have provided a glimpse into just a few of the incidents that took place in the month of November, 2024.
A new form of theft has developed over the last several years, bringing the transportation world to its knees and taking its toll on retailers: strategic cargo theft. Read more in this article from cargo transportation expert John Tabor.
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.