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Professional Development


CIS Security Solutions President Peter Morello Wins Entrepreneur of the Year Award

Peter Morello, president of CIS Security Solutions, has been awarded the title of Entrepreneur of the Year by the Business Development Board of Martin County, Florida.

Inaugural Loss Prevention and Safety Symposium a Success

After hearing from its members that in-store safety and losses continue to be a growing concern, NACS responded with this meeting to help engage its LP and safety-focused members outside of the larger NACS conference.

Decoding ‘I Don’t Remember’ in Investigative Interviews

Revisit this previously recorded video hosted by Dave Thompson, CFI, and Chris Norris, CFI, as they discuss how the phrase "I don't remember" doesn’t mean an interview subject is withholding information, with tips on how to adapt.

Celebrating Growth and Achievement: LP On the Move

Anyone can submit an individual for recognition in “LP On the Move”. If you are a company leader that wants to recognize your team or welcome a new team member, we encourage you to share the news. This sends a strong message of encouragement and support.
- Partners -

The Asset Protection Professional of the Future

In many ways, current asset protection professionals are jacks of all trades, and as we look towards the future, their role in retail businesses only looks to become more expansive and essential.

The International Association of Interviewers’ Certified Forensic Interviewer Program Continues to Evolve

The updated CFI program from the International Association of Interviewers enhances investigative interviewing training with nearly 90 percent new content, incorporating global standards, evidence-based materials, and advanced learning options to meet the evolving demands of forensic interviewing.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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