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Available On-Demand Now: How Academy Sports Is Combating ORC with an LPR and Security Camera Perimeter

Watch this Flock Safety webinar on-demand now to gain an understanding of the importance of expanding your security perimeter from the inside to the outside of your stores to better protect your assets, employees, and customers. 

Female Leaders in Loss Prevention Share Their Experiences

In this video, Amanda Weaver, CFI curates a discussion on the issues facing female professionals in the loss prevention field, featuring: Stefanie Hoover, CFI; Jennifer Schaefer, MA, LPC; Towanna Bazile, BMA, CFI; and Deana Bailey, CFI.

Life in the Transition Lane

The words are supposed to be soft, but they hit like a ton of bricks, "You have been 'impacted,'" "Sorry, there is a reduction in force." Words hurt.

Chief Resilience Officer: The Next Opportunity for Loss Prevention Executives?

Building a resilient organization requires coordination of all parts of the enterprise that is managed at the C-level by an individual whose sole responsibility is to focus on building organizational resilience.

Dr. Read Hayes of the LPRC Is Recognized as a Global Thought Leader

This new honor represents an effort to bring enhanced objectivity, transparency, and rigor to the process of identifying influencers and thought leaders in the field.
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LPF Webinar about Cracking Down on Retail Theft Today

CIS Security Solutions is pleased to introduce you to one of the sponsors of the new Florida House Bill 0549, Florida House Representative John Snyder (R) in this webinar today, July 11 at 1 p.m. ET.

Debbie Maples Receives LPM Founders’ Award for Excellence in Leadership

The LPM "Founders' Awards" recognize LP professionals, teams, solution providers, law enforcement partners, and others who demonstrate a stellar contribution to the profession.

LPM Survey: Storefront Security and Emergency Response 2024

Break-ins and break-in attempts are always a concern for retailers for safety and security reasons, and these concerns have heightened due to the growing threats faced in recent years.

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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