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Weis Markets to Implement VeriBalance Currency Management Solution

Balance Innovations has signed an agreement with Weis Markets to provide its VeriBalance currency management software and its vbInSight corporate reporting software in all...

InstaKey Announces Key Control at Anytime, from Anywhere, on Any Device

With InstaKey’s patented Key Control Software platform,®, businesses have real-time access to key system records anytime they need it, 24/7. In the event...

Genetec: Security That Fits

At Genetec, we believe that security systems can add real strategic value to any retail organization. Our goal is to give you the tools and support necessary to improve operational efficiency and revenue generation.
Visit Booth 1607 to learn more.

Sysrepublic: Predict & Shape Shopper Behavior

The Retail Equation, an Appriss company, optimizes retailers’ revenue and margin by shaping behavior in every customer transaction. The company’s solutions use predictive analytics to turn each purchase or return into a more profitable experience.
Visit Booth 1439 to learn more.
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Detex: Sales Floor to Stock Room

Designed to limit stockroom access to employees only, the ACDxV40EX EasyKit offers industry-proven code compliant life safety and security hardware for high-use doors with a cost-effective alarmed access control solution.
Visit Booth 1330 to learn more.

7P Solutions: ‘Shrink’ Outside the Box

7PSolutions is an industry leader of supply chain visibility tools that has recognized shrink reduction as a vital part of any retailer’s daily business routine.
Visit Booth 417 to learn more.

ARCA: Too Many Hands in the Cookie Jar is Never a Good Thing

It’s time to stop giving away your cookies because too many hands in the cookie jar is never a good thing. If your back office cash operations require hours of time and involve too many hands, then it’s time to re-evaluate.
Visit Booth 1334 to Learn More.

BrickHouse Security: Stop Profits From Walking Out the Door

Retail loss is a serious issue, amounting to a loss of billions of dollars every year. Visit BrickHouse Security at Booth 1250 to learn more about dramatically reducing shrinkage with our custom retail loss prevention solutions.

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