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LNL Systems Receives National Recognition as Motorola’s Number One Two-Way Radio Partner

LNL Systems recently announced its status as Motorola’s top two-way radio partner for 2016. The Motorola partnership has allowed LNL Systems to expand their product...

Milestone Now Supports More than 6,000 Devices

Milestone Systems has released Device Pack 9.0 for partners and customers using Milestone XProtect video solutions. The bi-monthly device packs contain software updates supporting new...

Sennco Solutions Introduces Wireless Security Platform with Data Analytics

Sennco has recently introduced a new wireless security platform with comprehensive data analytics. The new solution – Genesis – was reportedly designed to provide...
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Food Defense: Cross Your T’s and Dot Your I’s

If ever there was a time to turn up the dial on asset protection, it is now. While there are any number of issues that keep those charged with asset protection up at night, perhaps no topic is more vital to your company’s customers and investors than that of food defense.

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