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LPM Insider Survey: Conducting Employee Bag Checks

In last week’s most-read article, “Security Footage Sinks Employee Lawsuit Targeting Employee Bag Checks,” we learned that Nike recently prevailed in a class action...

Signs of Deception and Lying in an Interview

Many people believe when an individual refuses to make eye contact there is a strong indication the person is being deceptive. People also believe...

Employee Theft Consequences: Risk vs. Gain Theory

I have frequently heard managers conveying the wrong message when addressing associates about employee theft consequences. These managers say things like "Don't steal, or...

Company Profile: Dealing with Employee Theft at WDF

Everyone loves to discover new or exclusive products at great prices, particularly when traveling on holiday. The passport to vacation nirvana often begins with...
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Random Lessons from the Room: Part Four

We ended our last column with a short discussion of the value of developing a timeline of events to organize the case and help...

Interview and Interrogation Training: Harassment Investigations

In this week’s International Association of Interviewers interview and interrogation training tip provided by Wicklander-Zulawski, Dave Thompson, CFI wants to talk about the importance...

Research Findings from Employee Theft Articles

For more than 30 years, I have been researching employee theft, occupational crime, employee dishonesty, and workplace deviance. I peruse scholarly journals and academic...

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