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Cargo Theft Activity Expected to Pick up Around July 4

Cargo theft recording firm SensiGuard has released a warning to fleets and truck drivers to be prepared for increased cargo theft activity during the extended Independence Day weekend.

The firm says that with July 4 falling on Saturday, many shippers and receivers will be closed either Friday and/or Monday in observance of the holiday, which could result in longer stage times and lower security staffing.

In the July 4 holiday periods from 2015-2019, SensiGuard recorded 2.9 thefts per day across the country with an average loss value of $215,130, which is a theft rate 39% higher and a loss value 43% higher than the rest of the year. Arkansas (+219%), North Carolina (+147%), Texas (+49%), Ontario (+72%), and Tennessee (+91%) all had significantly higher theft rates during the holiday weekend than throughout the year. SensiGuard offers the following recommendations for carriers and drivers to protect against cargo theft…  CCJ Daily Dispatch

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