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Breaking News in the Industry: March 13, 2019

Tenacious shoplifter steals $30,000 in merchandise from retailer in 2 weeks

Police in Georgia are searching for a suspect who they say stole thousands of dollars in merchandise from Target stores all over Gwinnett County over the course of two weeks. According to Gwinnett police, the suspect usually entered the Targets near closing time. He then picks up electronics, vacuums, calculators, and other expensive items, and then runs out through the fire exit, where a black Hyundai car is waiting for him.

On one shoplifting trip on Feb. 24, police say he stole around $2,500 from a Target in Peachtree Corners. If you know anything about the case, please call Gwinnett County Police Department Officer Kelly at 678.442.6572 or Crime Stoppers at 404.577.8477.   [Source: Fox5 Atlanta]

Duo arrested after 50 stolen credit cards and mail found in vehicle

A Southern Utah couple faces numerous charges connected to mail theft and credit card fraud. According to arrest records, Arturo Arellano and Amy Mcbride have a history of theft and fraud. During an investigation, officers approached Arellano and Mcbride’s vehicle as they sat in a business parking lot. Officers reported seeing financial cards on the floorboard at the back of the car. A search warrant was obtained for the vehicle. Police say they recovered over 50 credit cards, something that appeared to be a financial card reader and a large amount of mail not addressed to either of the suspects.

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Police checked the names on the credit cards and found they were associated with theft and burglary reports made by the owners. Police report finding drug paraphernalia and a license plate linked to a stolen vehicle. The pair both face numerous felony charges for credit card fraud, theft and misdemeanor charges for mail theft.   [Source: ABC4 News]

Some retailers push forward with cashierless stores

Amazon grabbed the spotlight with its cashierless stores when it introduced Amazon Go in late 2016. But existing brick and mortar retailers have not been silent. 7-Eleven and Sam’s Club have been testing “scan and pay” technology. Executives from both companies gave an update on their progress at the Shoptalk Show in Las Vegas during a session on emerging shopping experiences.

Both retailers are testing their scan and pay technologies in Dallas. Both are also using artificial intelligence and computer vision scanning. “All you do is start scanning,” said  Tarang Sethia, vice president of product management and digital customer and store experience at 7-Eleven. He said Americans spend 37 billion hours a year waiting in line, while three quarters of Gen Xers and millennials are interested in using scan and pay technology.   [Source: Retail Customer Experience]

Fast food employee arrested for theft

An employee of the Taco Bell in Daleville, Indiana, was arrested Monday on allegations she stole more than $1,000 from the restaurant. Casey Lee Smith, 31, of Anderson, is preliminarily charged with theft. Daleville police were called to the restaurant last Friday after a Taco Bell district manager reported he had surveillance video that showed Smith taking cash, estimated at $1,055, from a register and placing it in an envelope.

According to a police report, Smith allegedly handed the envelope containing the cash to a former co-worker, who then left the restaurant. The theft is alleged to have taken place about 8:45 p.m. on March 4. An officer wrote Smith completed the “End of the Day” report indicating the $1,055 had been deposited, although no such deposit was made. Smith was later released from the Delaware County jail.   [Source: The Star Press]

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Shoplifters flee, then crash with kid in the car

Two Pennsylvania men attempted to flee from police Sunday after allegedly shoplifting from Target in Hanover Township, Lehigh County, on Sunday, but were arrested when they crashed, state police said. Chance U. Gresham, 20, and John M. Gresham, 39, both of Allentown, face retail theft charges.

Chance Gresham, the driver, was also charged with child endangerment, fleeing or attempting to elude police, driving without a license, disregarding traffic lanes, a stop sign violation, driving at unsafe speeds and careless driving. Police said after the crash, they discovered a 5-year-old child was in the car. Chance Gresham was released on $20,000 unsecured bail and John Gresham was released after posting $2,500 bail. Police did not say how the two men are related.   [Source: The Morning Call]

Retail fraudster who fled gets jail time

A Michigan man arrested for retail fraud and fleeing police was sentenced Monday in Delta County Circuit Court… 46-year-old David Brown received the following:

  • Count 1-Fleeing a Police Officer 3rd Degree = 2 years 5 months in prison to a maximum of 5 years in prison
  • Count 2- Resisting and Obstructing a Police Officer = 1 year 4 months in prison to a maximum of 2 years in prison
  • Count 3- Resisting and Obstructing a Police Officer = 1 year 4 months in prison to a maximum of 2 years in prison
  • Count 4- Retail Fraud 1st Degree = 2 years in prison to a maximum of 5 years in prison
  • Count 5- Possession of Marijuana/Synthetic Equivalents = 127 days in jail

All counts are to be served concurrently to each other. He was credited for 127 days as time already served. Brown and Charles Perkins IV, 27, were arrested after Escanaba Public Safety officers were dispatched to Shopko to investigate a fraud complaint. The incident happened on November 4.

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Upon arrival, an officer observed a vehicle in Shopko’s parking lot that matched the description given of the suspect’s vehicle. The officer activated his emergency lights to make contact with the occupants. The vehicle immediately fled the scene and was pursued by officers into the commercial and residential areas between Shopko and Escanaba High School.

As the pursuit continued north through Wells, requests were made to assisting agencies for the use of their stop sticks. Deputies from the Delta County Sheriff’s Office and Gladstone Public Safety then set up stop sticks at two locations. A deputy with the Sheriff’s Department successfully deployed stop sticks, deflating three of the tires on the suspect’s vehicle. The vehicle came to a stop at the South Shill Road intersection.    [Source: TV6 News]

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