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BOLO: 7 Sought by Austin PD in Jewelry Store Robbery

By Kathleen Mufti, Austin Area Sales Director, CSI Protect and Law Enforcement Specialist

Be On Look Out flyers are circulating the Austin Texas metro area in search of at least seven involved in a “smash and grab” robbery at a southwest Austin jewelry store that occurred in February.

The Austin Police Department (APD) reported seven involved in the store robbery that included a direct threat to one of Marc Robinson Jewelers’ store employees. After the incident, suspects are thought to have fled the scene in a vehicle.

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All of the suspects appeared to be in the late teens or 20s, all wearing face masks. Two suspects entered the scene before the other five entered and completed the robbery. Little information is available regarding the property stolen.

Chances are these suspects have either done this before or will do it again, not only within Austin’s jurisdiction but across jurisdictions. Therefore, surrounding agencies need to keep an eye out for similar cases to link potential suspects to other crimes.

APD Robbery tip line 512.974.5092 / Crime Stoppers at 512.472.TIPS – up to $1000 reward… KXAN News

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