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Blue Line Technology Introduces First Line Facial Recognition

Blue Line Technology, an emerging leader in security and access control solutions, introduces First Line Facial Recognition, a camera-based system developed by veterans of law enforcement.  First Line Facial Recognition is designed for threat detection, access control and concierge applications with a robust service distribution across many industries. 

“After many successful projects which have produced quantifiable results, we’re excited to announce the success of First Line Facial Recognition Software,” said Paul Brauss, CEO.  “With the state-of-the-art software our system harnesses, we’re able to offer the most sophisticated facial recognition technology on the market.”

In order to implement First Line Facial Recognition, the user creates a database that is custom-designed for their specific needs. The system then monitors, detects and alerts the user when a threat or unknown subject’s face is captured.  The face is then placed into one of three categories: known, unknown or alert.  If the face is known and cleared, access is granted.  If the face is unknown or identified as a “threat,” access is not granted and an alert is sent to the user.

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Blue Line Technology’s First Line Facial Recognition contains an interface that allows the user to add, store and edit data both directly on the unit and through the web.  The software can be used for prevention and detection of both external and internal threats. The system is also designed for access control for any secured areas in which easy access or greater control is desired.

“There are many times that threats are made against specific organizations,” continued Brauss. “When this occurs, we can set up our system to recognize the face of the person who made the threat and deny access to a building where an incident could potentially take place.  It’s a practice in preventative policing and will save innocent lives.”

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