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Background Screening Company Celebrates Golden Anniversary with Eye Towards Future

The background screening industry is in a perpetual state of flux: companies are being purchased, others are dissolving completely, new ones seem to be popping up overnight.

But in a landscape of impermanence, GIS is the one constant, the touchstone for stability and strength.

Celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2016, GIS is a fixture of the background screening industry. In 1996, when purchased by current owner and CEO Raymond Conrad, the organization pivoted from an insurance services provider that dabbled in background screening to a full-service background screening provider.

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Since then, GIS has legitimately revolutionized the industry with the first online background screening portal, introduced incredible new products like the KwikScreen National Criminal Database, and evolved into a provider of full-service hiring solutions.

But Conrad isn’t content with being a mere industry leader, isn’t content with the company resting on its laurels. He sees a future of growth and innovation, saying “The path for this company is clear: we are going to continue providing best-in-class services, but we also have to develop systems to help our clients get information expediently and economically – systems that will change the industry.”

Through the years, the path described has become something of a mantra for Conrad. Growth through improving products and services is all GIS knows – they’ve experienced phenomenal organic growth with a 12,500% increase in revenue since 1996, in an era where most of the competition is growing by acquisition or not at all. Solid services are GIS’ hallmark –Conrad emphatically refuses to offshore any part of its processes, from product fulfillment to support functions, and quality is built into every step of the screening process.

And with its online background screening portals, court interfaces, drug testing methodology and more, revolutionary innovation is just another day at the office.

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