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Victor Sellers

Victor Sellers is founder and chief loss prevention consultant for CrimeFighters, USA. This consulting and training business offers real world experience to small business owners who want to identify and protect themselves from retail theft. Based in western Pennsylvania, Sellers brings eighteen years of experience with major retailers including Wal-Mart and JC Penney's. His techniques in preventing retail theft are proven by a career total of apprehending over 800 shoplifters and dishonest employees. Sellers offers presentations at seminars and conferences as well as one-on-one training, and detailed manuals for all levels of store personnel who want to sharpen their skills and protect their store assets.


Taking Control of the Situation – Part I

Ed. Note: This whitepaper is a sample from Victor's upcoming book, tentatively titled Training Ordinary People to be Everyday Heroes. For more information, please...

Shoplifting Principles to Remember

Whether you are a store manager, assistant manager or a plain clothes store detective you'll want to remember the following shoplifting principles as you...

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