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Dave Thompson, CFI

David Thompson, CFI, is the president and partner at Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates, providing investigative interview and interrogation training to a global audience. He has served as a subject matter expert in developing curriculum and providing consultation to investigators, attorneys, and the academic community. He can be reached at


“I Don’t Remember”

I forgot my keys somewhere. I know I had them just a few minutes ago, and I’m sure they were right here in my...

It’s All About Context, Part 4

The non-confrontational monologue delivered by the investigator has an evolving context between the guilty party and the investigator. The context changes significantly from sharing...

It’s All about Context: Part 2

In our last column, we began the discussion of how context affects the conversation and the questions that can be asked during it. It's...
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Telephone Interviewing: New Tactic for an Old Problem

Times are changing and organizations need to change with them. With the advent of computerized media review, the loss prevention department can target dishonest...

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