Courtney Wolfe is the managing editor for LPM. Before coming to LPM, she worked at SDM Magazine, a trade publication for security systems integrators. Courtney received her bachelor's degree in multimedia journalism from Columbia College Chicago. She can be reached at
New Campaign Against Retail Theft Launched in Cali | Illinois Governor Signs INFORM Act | NY Security Companies See Increase in Calls after Tops Shooting
Scarcity Is Making Americans Gloomy about the Economy | Nike Accuses StockX of Selling Counterfeit Shoes | Teens are Taking More Jobs in a Tight Labor Market
Georgia Gov Signs Inform Consumers Act | Hawaii Bail Reform Bill Called a Win for Criminals | Woman Sues Kroger after Confronting Shoplifter and Losing Job
Robbers Use Bulldozer to Smash Through Pot Shop | Investigation of Mall Shooting Finds Company Put Security Officers in Danger | 3 Rob 8 Indy Cellphone Stores in 25 Days
Yesterday, the conference kicked off with welcome remarks from RILA President Brian Dodge, as he explained how loss prevention is more important than ever.
The Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA)’s Retail Asset Protection Conference officially started yesterday at the Gaylord Palms Resort in Orlando, Fla.
What do retail, pharmacies, and cannabis have in common? A lot, according to Mark Stinde, Kevin O’Brien, and Matt Murphy of The Integritus Group, a company they formed to aid in loss prevention and compliance services in all three industries.
Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.