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Courtney Wolfe

Courtney Wolfe is managing editor digital for LPM. Before coming to LPM, she worked at SDM Magazine, a trade publication for security systems integrators. Courtney received her bachelor's degree in multimedia journalism from Columbia College Chicago. She can be reached at


When Did Counterfeit Become Cool?

Once upon a time, counterfeit luxury goods were considered a fashion faux pas. Unfortunately, there now seems to be a growing comfort with—even preference for—counterfeit luxury goods.

Rite Aid Banned from Using Facial Recognition by FTC

Rite Aid will be prohibited from using facial recognition technology for surveillance purposes for five years to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that the retailer failed to implement reasonable procedures and prevent harm to consumers in its use of the technology in hundreds of stores.

Can Retail Survive in America’s Cities?

From masking and COVID-19 testing to remote working and TikTok dances, the past four years have brought a plethora of changes. Few things have changed quite as much as America’s cities, though.

Invasion of the Retail Robots

With AI and machine learning finally living up to the potential promised for decades, there is a new kind of LP technology growing in popularity that can help with everything from guarding to inventory control and curbside delivery: robots.

LP Industry News of the Week You May Have Missed

Businesses want stronger shoplifting penalties; California retail crime task force make arrests; $2 million theft from 43 stores; and much more LP news.
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