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Adrian Beck

Beck is a professor in the criminality department of the University of Leciester in the UK, where he is primarily focused on research on retail crime and shrinkage issues. He can be reached at bna (at) le (dot) ac (dot) uk. Palmer is CEO/president of PCG Solutions, a loss prevention consulting, training, and education firm. He can be reached at wpalmer (at) pcgsolutions (dot) com. Peacock is a visiting fellow at the University of Leicester and strategic coordinator for both the ECR Europe Shrinkage and On-shelf Availability Group and the Retail Industry Leaders Association Asset Protection Leaders Council in the United States. He can be reached at colinpeacock (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk. All are frequent contributors to LP Magazine, both the US and Europe editions.


Retail Shoplifting Policies and Procedures

For this benchmarking survey, the authors looked at how some of the biggest retailers in the US are experiencing shoplifting, violence associated with these incidents, and the shoplifting policies and procedures put in place to manage these issues.

Retail Data Analytics: A Straightforward Breakdown of Types and Sources

Preliminary analysis of how LP teams are using data analytics suggests it is being used in at least three ways, based on the type of analysis being performed, the frequency with which it is done, and the type of employees using it.

How to Evaluate New Retail Technology Interventions

Risk Amplification: Making Offenders Think Twice, a recent study by Adrian Beck undertaken for the ECR Community Shrinkage and On-shelf Availability Group in Europe,...

Understanding Data Analytics in Loss Prevention

The focus of our next benchmarking survey will be data analytics. In our survey of loss prevention practitioners, this topic was ranked second highest...

Adopting an Intervention Assessment Framework in LP

The recent benchmark report, Emerging Technology in Loss Prevention Retailing, reviewed the current use of nine technologies and the primary problems they are being...
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Emerging Technologies

In the second in a series of industry-focused benchmarking surveys, the authors present a few key findings from a new study of how some...

Setting the Research Agenda

In the last edition of LP Magazine, we presented the findings from our first benchmark study, which focused on comparing practices and policies on...

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Violence in the Workplace

Download this 34-page special report from Loss Prevention Magazine about types and frequency of violent incidents, impacts on employees and customers, effectiveness of tools and training, and much more.


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