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American Public University System Launches Competency-Based Education Program to Provide Flexible, Personalized Degree Path for Adult Learners

American Public University System (APUS) recently announced Momentum, a new, competency-based education (CBE) program designed to further enhance the flexibility and affordability of delivering innovative, career-relevant offerings for working adults.

“Momentum, unlike traditional academic programs, focuses on the achievement of knowledge and skills, providing a more flexible degree path to non-traditional students seeking an alternative to prevailing schedule and tuition constraints,” said APUS Director of Alternative Learning Cali Morrison.

Four initial programs will offer competency starts beginning March 6, including: BA, Criminal Justice; BA, Emergency and Disaster Management; BS, Fire Science Management; and BA, Retail Management. Additional offerings are currently being developed for planned launch in mid-2017. Each program will be delivered via APUS’s robust Sakai platform, with adaptive learning integration by partner Realizeit to help enhance student engagement and outcomes.

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All programs are aligned with current professional standards by means of ongoing review by APUS Industry Advisory Councils, including support from strategic retail partners. Tailored learning assessments allow students to effectively apply their knowledge, skills and abilities, preparing them to be more competitive in their existing career or in transitioning to a new one.

“Instead of attending structured classes, students demonstrate their mastery of competencies at their pace with guidance from a faculty mentor and subject matter expert, allowing them to move directly into the next competency without waiting for a new term to begin,” said Morrison. “Since programs have a fixed-term cost, the more competencies completed each term, the more saved on the total degree cost.”

Prospective students must have an associate of arts degree, associate of science degree or bachelor’s degree to participate and cannot transfer from a traditional APUS degree program. They can complete unlimited program competencies within a 16-week term for $2,500 with a minimum of three, and maximum of twelve, concurrent competencies. For more information, visit the Momentum program page.

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