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Amazon ‘Morphing’ Free Prime Two-Day Shipping to One Day

Amazon is in the process of speeding up its free Prime two-day delivery to free shipping in one day for eligible items for Prime members, Chief Financial Officer Brian T. Olsavsky announced on a conference call with analysts Thursday.

The company is investing $800 million to get that done, which will happen this year. Olsavsky didn’t say whether the transition to free one-day Prime shipping would be complete by the holidays.

The change doesn’t reflect any move on Amazon’s part to shift away from the U.S. Postal Service, UPS, FedEx or other shippers to use its own shipping infrastructure, he said. “We’re going to be using all the levers we’re using now,” he said. “We’re definitely going to be needing the continued support of our partners…” RetailDIVE

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