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Addressing the Scourge of Organized Retail Crime

Some loss prevention professionals think organized retail crime (ORC) has been around for decades. Others believe it is a relatively new phenomenon. No matter your point of view, ORC has become a real and present danger to retailers. Nobody has a definitive estimate of the dollar impact of ORC, but retailers will tell you that it has a major impact not only on their fiscal bottom line but also on the safety of store associates and consumers.

This first special edition of LP Magazine is focused solely on ORC and the many challenges and issues surrounding the topic. You will find inside these pages articles on a wide range of topics from the successful collaboration of the big three pharmacy retailers to how Homeland Security Investigations has joined the fight. From interviewing skills in ORC investigations to the safety aspect of store invasions to ORC’s link to human trafficking, and much more.

We would like to thank all the many people who contributed to these various articles, and our sponsors who allowed us to print and distribute this magazine.

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ORCAs Need Your Help

This magazine has worked with organized retail crime associations (ORCAs) around the country for several years in an initiative we call ORCAs in Action. With a primary emphasis on assisting law enforcement, retail investigators, and prosecutors, ORCAs have proven to be an invaluable resource in the identification, investigation, and prosecution of those involved in ORC. These groups provide a platform for intelligence sharing and a forum for education and training on ORC-related topics, as well as a channel for networking and collaboration.

However, recently some of these ORCAs have struggled to survive, unable to raise even $1,500 to keep some of these associations running. Considering the immense reach of the problem and our ongoing calls for partnerships and collaboration, this serves as a stark contradiction to that message, and frankly, an indictment on those not willing to step up and get involved.

Public-private partnerships and cooperation between retailers must be seen as cornerstones in the fight against ORC, and both retailers and our public partners must be willing to contribute to the ORCA initiatives in terms of resources, membership, and leadership. We strongly encourage those retailers, solutions providers, and other organizations who have the means, please provide financial support to these organizations.

Please look for an ORCA in your area to get involved with. LPM’s Jacque Brittain, LPC, is our resident guru on ORCAs. You may contact him at for more information.

This story is a part of LPM‘s Special ORC Issue. Download the full issue for free here. 

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