USS has recently unveiled the results of a recent study conducted by the Loss Prevention Retail Council (LPRC), to test the benefits of their Tactical Tagging loss prevention strategy using their Mini Patriot electronic article surveillance (EAS) products.
Tactical Tagging is an asset protection approach that aims to confuse and deter thieves and organized retail crime (ORC) members, while saving retailers’ loss prevention budgets. By incorporating EAS tags of varying levels of protection and technology, yet appear to be identical from a cosmetic perspective, retailers are able to mitigate inventory shrink without impacting their EAS budget. For this study, LPRC used USS’ Mini Patriot Pin EAS tags in single, double and triple alarm configurations.
The study, conducted from June 2015 through February 2016, included a 12-month, in-store trial at four retail locations. Data was collected from shoplifters (“offenders”), customers, and associates who were familiar with the existing EAS solutions being used in the stores.
The results from the in-depth study reportedly indicate that USS’ tactical tagging strategy and accompanying Mini Patriot EAS tags do achieve their goals. Reported statistics from the research include:
- 100 percent of offenders noticed the tags
- 100 percent of offenders believed the three tag variations were identical
- 100 percent of associates with experience using both solutions preferred the new solution
- Overall, customers believed the tags to be effective crime deterrents
- The rate of tag defeats were nearly cut in half
The LPRC-issued whitepaper featured a summarizing statement that captured the sentiments regarding the tags’ and strategy’s performance during the study.
“LPRC concludes that the Mix Tag (Tactical Tagging) intervention is a strong offender deterrent that has nearly unanimous associate approval and does not appear to have a negative impact on customers.”
The tag featured in the study, the USS Mini Patriot, is available in pin or lanyard form with acousto-magnetic (AM) and/or radio frequency (RF) EAS technologies, as well as the recently announced radio frequency identification (RFID) technology variation.
To read the full LPRC study and its results, visit