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3 County Theft Spree Ends with Arrest

A Pompano Beach man was arrested for grand theft after he and an accomplice brazenly stole over $1,000 in merchandise from a Home Depot, leading to other crimes in the Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade County areas.

On December 15, Coral Springs Police received a call from Home Depot located at 750 North University Drive to report a retail theft. When officers arrived, employees detailed how two men had filled a shopping cart full of power tools worth more than $1,000 and left the store without paying.

According to the report, officers viewed the stores’ security footage and confirmed the theft details. A “BOLO” (Be On The Lookout) was sent out to local stores, and subsequently, numerous hits were received from businesses in the area that said they recognized one of the suspects.

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Officers were contacted by both Lowe’s and Home Depot associates that independently stated one of the suspects was Joseph Reda, 28, of Pompano Beach. While Reda and his accomplice had covered their faces during the theft, asset protection employees were able to clearly identify Reda as the same man they had recently interacted with.

In particular, witnesses were able to finger Reda based on his nose’s bridge and a scar he has over his eyebrow.

To ensure the man in question was Reda, officers set up a photo lineup for one of the store associates who recognized him. The employee was able to positively identify Reda, confirming police were searching for the right man.

In addition to witness information, officers later in the report stated that Reda has a recent history of similar crimes and recently charged him in four prior shoplifting sprees.

A witness to the Home Depot theft captured the license plate of the getaway car Reda and his accomplice used. This plate, the vehicle’s description, matched that of a Toyota Tundra that had been reported in many other thefts that have recently taken place throughout the Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade County areas.

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On December 15, Broward County Sheriff’s apprehended Reda. He was taken into custody and is being held with no bond with a total of 15 other offenses…   Coral Springs Talk

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